Can Barley Reduce Cholesterol? Read More Here and Enjoy Life

Barley, which has been cultivated for more than ten thousand years now, was initially found in the regions of Ethiopia and Southeast Asia. Hulled barley nutrients, per cup, include 22 grams of protein, 61mg of calcium, 245mg of magnesium, 486mg of phosphorus, 832mg of potassium, and 69mcg of selenium.

How to Cook Barley

How to Cook Barley

Barley is one of the most nutritious types of cereal grain derived by processing Hordeum vulgare. This grain is commonly used for making healthy whiskey and beer. In addition, it is used as a main ingredient in hearty dishes. To learn how to cook barley the easy way, it is best to look at simple but delicious recipes that use the grain as a key ingredient. Below are some of the recipes that you can follow if you want to know the basic approaches and steps in cooking the food.

Baked Beans and Barley

You can try this recipe if you want to serve a healthy but enticing meal. Prepare all the ingredients, which include three cups of mixed 7 bean and dried barley, ½ cup molasses, ½ cup tomato puree, ½ cup water and three tablespoons honey. To add a savory taste to the dish, you need ¼ cup chopped onion, a teaspoon of sea salt, ¼ teaspoon garlic powder, ½ teaspoon turmeric and ¼ teaspoon black pepper.

Put all the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Brush the baking dish with a tablespoon of olive oil. Transfer the mixture into the baking dish. Place the dish inside the oven and cook for an hour. Serve immediately.

Apple Barley Soup

If you want to prepare a delicious and hearty appetizer, you can always follow the simple steps in this recipe. To avoid having hassles and delays, prepare all the needed materials and ingredients before proceeding with the procedures. The ingredients in this enticing and luscious starter include 1/3 cup pearl barley, two large onions, two tablespoons vegetable oil, 3 ½ cups vegetable stock, 1 ½ cups apple cider and two large carrots. Aside from these, you need a teaspoon of thyme leaves, ¼ teaspoon marjoram, a bay leaf, two cups apples, ¼ cups parsley leaves, a tablespoon of lemon juice as well as ¼ teaspoon salt.

Heat oil in a sauce pan and add the onions. Cook the onions for five minutes to 10 minutes. Pour the stock and add the bay leaf, marjoram, cider, carrots, thyme and the cereal grain. Cover the saucepan. Cook the ingredients for an hour. Add the parsley and apples. Pour the lemon juice over the dish. Cover and cook for another five minutes. Remove the bay leaf. Transfer the dish in a small bowl and serve immediately. To enjoy the soup, you can serve it with a garlic bread or wheat bread.
Please click these links if you want to know more about how to cook barley or how to cook barley in general.

Written By: Kenny_Leones

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Celiac Support

Celiac Support - It Could Be a Matter of Life Or Death

Celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. People who have the disease cannot tolerate gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley.

The disease can lead to terminal illnesses if untreated. There is no cure for it and there is only one known treatment for it. It is effective in eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

The only known treatment is a change of diet to a gluten free diet. This diet will need to be followed for the rest of the sufferer's life. Because the treatment is a lifetime matter, a support team is needed to help the sufferer to change diet and maintain that change.

It is difficult to change a habit. Eating patterns are a habit. To change eating habits that have been developed over time, and in some cases a long time, requires the help of a support team comprised of health professionals, family and friends, and contact with other celiac sufferers.

Celiac support and education

The first step in the treatment of the is education. Some elements of a support team provide education. Other elements require education. Health professionals and other celiacs provide education. The sufferer and the sufferers family and friends require education.

Education involves the following:

understanding the disease
understanding the symptoms
understanding what triggers the symptoms
understanding the treatment of the disease
understanding how to treat(regard or think about) a sufferer

Support from health professionals

The health professionals are a physician, who is knowledgeable in the treatment and care of the disease, and a dietitian or nutritionist.

It is important to know that there is no such thing as a typical sufferer. While all sufferers are alike in that they have a reaction to gluten, each is very different in ways which only the individual and his/her physician will know. Symptoms of the disease vary from sufferer to sufferer. The physician will help the sufferer to understand the disease, its symptoms, and its treatment.

The dietitian or nutritionist will know all about the foods and products that contain gluten. As gluten triggers the disease, the transfer of this knowledge from the dietitian or nutritionist to the sufferer is vital. The sufferer will learn:

what foods to eat
what foods to avoid
what foods can be substitutes for glutenous foods
how to read labels on foods to detect gluten

Support from family and friends

Family and friends provide emotional and attitudinal support. In order to do this, they must understand the disease, its symptoms, what triggers them, and how to prevent the appearance of the symptoms. They must also understand that its treatment is a lifetime matter. But most of all, they must come to view the disease as as something similar to an allergy - an allergy to gluten.

Just as someone allergic to cats will have an allergic reaction when in contact with a cat and just as a hay fever sufferer will have a reaction when the pollen count is high, a celiac sufferer will have a reaction to eating food containing gluten. People with allergies lead normal healthy lives when they are not experiencing a reaction to their allergy. So too with a celiac. When the their diet remains gluten free, they live a normal healthy life.

Support from other sufferers of the disease

Every state in the US has a celiac support group. These groups are composed of sufferers, family members of sufferers and others who have been touched by the disease in some way.

It is important for a sufferer to become part of, or be in touch with, a local support group. It will provide:

an understanding of how to live with the disease
the location of local stores that stock a large range of gluten free food
the local restaurants that gluten free menus and also restaurants that have an array safe foods
gluten free recipes and sources of gluten free recipes

Working closely with a knowledgeable health professionals, receiving emotional and attitudinal support from family and friends, connecting with other celiacs and practicing wise self-discipline in food consumption, will help a person with the disease to live life to the fullest.
If you are a celiac sufferer, knowing how to live a gluten free life is essential.

If you are a friend or family member of a loved one who is a sufferer, it is essential for you to encourage the sufferer to form a celiac support team of which you are a part. This is a vital element in helping the sufferer to return to full health and well being and to live a full and active life.

Written By: Jay_Hurwitz

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Barley Lowers Your Cholesterol

Good News For Beer Drinkers - Barley Lowers Your Cholesterol

If you are over 40 and male, you have been told repeatedly that you have to watch your blood pressure, watch your cholesterol and eat healthier. One of the main ingredients in beer, barley can help you do a much better job of health maintenance than you might expect.

Barley is a type of grain that has been cultivated for about 10,000 years. It is not only one of the most useful grains in history; it is also easy to grow. It is a member of the grass family and has been used in everything from breakfast cereals to animal feed. This is the reason my health food centric family used it a lot.

For most of the time growing up my dad would mix powers and fruits with milk and other liquids in his industrial strength blender. He even made the type of drink made famous in Rocky in which a load of foul smelling health products were topped off with raw eggs and blended. My dad had his own similar recipe long before Rocky Balboa gulped his concoction on screen.

One of the most curious meals he would make was barley. He would boil the grain and pour the water into a bottle, which he stored in the fridge. I once asked him what the liquid was for and he said "Barley water is one of the healthiest substances known to man". I jokingly replied "Is that why beer is so popular?" He responded "That's what makes whisky taste so good."

I later found out from my grandfather (who drinks neither beer nor whisky) that there are a wide variety of benefits to consuming barley, one of the main reasons for middle aged men and women is its cholesterol reducing properties. Here is what the FDA now says about the subject:

Barley contains high levels of dietary fiber and selenium (a type of antioxidants). Recent studies showed that a diet high in beta-glucan from barley helps lower blood LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

Barley may also help stabilize blood glucose levels, which may benefit people with diabetes. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2004 reported a 6 percent and 8 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol following consumption of diets containing barley with 3 grams and 6 grams of beta-glucan soluble fiber, respectively.

As I launch into my fifth decade of life, I heed the advice of my grandfather (he was a doctor) and father (physical therapist) and consume my barley water and mix my barley in my food. I even make some of those noxious potions my dad used to make for my pre or post workout meals.

My two sons have no interest in drinking this stuff yet but I'm sure that one day I'll be asked about barley water or some other home made health drink. I don't drink beer or whiskey but I sure love my barley. For more information on health related foods check out my free manual on fat burning at

Written By: Dennis_Francis

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All About Barley Grass

All About Barley Grass

Barley is a multi-functioning food that can be used in several different ways throughout its life span. Barley at full maturation is a widely used grain, which is used in many products from cereals, to breads, to livestock feed. The great thing about this crop is the fact that it is highly adaptable to its surroundings; it can be grown in wet or dry regions as well as warm or cool. While there are many, many purposes for barley as a fully matured grain, the truly amazing benefits come before it's fully matured and while it is a tender grass. When barley is fully grown it is considered a grain, however, when barley is young and in the grass state, before the grain develops, it is more closely related to dark green leafy vegetables. This green grass is truly an amazing nutritional source that has been linked to some seriously healthy benefits dating all the way back to 2,000BC.

When we think of certain vitamins or minerals, we generally have a fruit or vegetable that comes to mind as the richest source. For instance when I say Vitamin C you most likely think of and orange, when I say calcium you most likely think of milk, and finally when I say iron most of you will think of spinach. Well, throw all those thoughts out the window and create a new way of thinking. What if I were to tell you that barley grass contains ten times the calcium as milk, or six times the vitamin C as an orange, and finally four times the iron as spinach. Amazing isn't it, and this is just the tip of the nutritional ice berg. Barley grass also contains potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, and pantothenic acid as well as chlorophyll. It is also an AMAZING source of vitamin B12.

Clearly with all of these vitamins and nutrients included in one supplement, it is no wonder why barley grass is one of the most popular, and widely taken supplements around the world. The fact that Barley grass has been linked to things such as lowering cholesterol, improving circulation, and preventing cancer isn't bad either. However, it is essential to make sure the grass was harvested at exactly the right time, to ensure you are getting all these amazing vitamins and minerals. Generally the grass should be harvested when the nutrient packed leaves are 12-14 inches high.
After the grass is harvested it is typically dried to make supplementing easier, although it can be juiced, but juicing it makes supplementing a little more difficult for some people. Once the leaves are dried they are ground into a powder for your supplemental use; this powder can be mixed with water or juice and taken with a meal. Be sure to avoid mixing the powder with hot or warm liquids as this will deactivate the enzymes in it. There are several types of Barley Grass Powders to choose from. Some have flavorings such as green tea or, and some are plain and made to mix with a juice of your choice. No matter what flavor you choose plain, berry, or green tea the important thing is that you take it, and join the millions world wide that are drinking their way to a healthier life.

Written By: Brandy_S._Widner

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The Alkalizing Side Effects of Barley Grass

The Alkalizing Side Effects of Barley Grass

"The leaves of Green Barley provide the nearest thing to the perfect food this planet offers" stated Japanese researcher Hagiwara after ten years of intense research that uncovered the incredible benefits of this powerful superfood.

Botanicals barley grass is known for its multitude of Healing and Nourishing properties. Some of the positive side effects of barley grass include:

• Provides every single vitamin, mineral and protein that is essential for a healthy human diet.

• Is a powerful anti-oxidant that combats the effects of environmental stresses and reduces the signs of aging.

• Brings the PH into balance for harmonious wellbeing.

• Improves digestion and promotes absorption of vital nutrients.

• Lowers Blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and keeps the blood flowing to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

• Eases inflammation in people who suffer from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

PH Balancing for Harmonious Health

Green Barley Grass is highly alkalizing, which helps keep the acidity and alkalinity in our body in check. Modern living and eating is often acidifying, especially when refined and processed foods are consumed. When the acidity-alkalinity equilibrium is disturbed, it leads to mineral imbalances, a weakening of the immune system, and an increase in inflammation. The result can be illness, pain, disease and lowered quality of life.

When the PH is in harmony, our cells can adequately function and we experience wellbeing. One of the side effects of botanicals barley grass is that it is extremely alkalizing. In fact, botanicals barley Grass has long been known as one of the most alkalizing, balancing foods grown on the earth. [] The best tips to increase libido and have a vibrantly energetic sex life. The world's most up to date scientific research on how to stay young naturally in both mind, body and spirit.

Sheryl Walters is an experienced holistic health expert.

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Is It OK To Eat Barley When You Have Acid Reflux?

Is It OK To Eat Barley When You Have Acid Reflux?

Barley can be considered as an acidic food. If you are suffering from acid reflux, then you know that you should avoid any acidic food as it can trigger the production of stomach acid. Therefore, you can assume that it is not safe to consume barley.

Being an acidic food is only one reason why you should not take barley. Foods are that rich in gluten can cause acid reflux. Gluten is a protein found commonly in grains such as wheat, oats, and barley. Almost all foods contain grain. If you experience any heartburn, then you should visit an allergist to confirm if you are allergic to gluten. You can prevent acid reflux disease by excluding all gluten products.

Sugar, artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners such as barley malt syrup can cause acid reflux. Use stevia instead to prevent excess production of stomach acid.

It looks like you have a good reason to stop eating barley. However, not every part of barley can result in acid reflux. The only part of the barley that doesn't cause acid reflux is barley grass. It is gluten free and alkaline. It can restore the pH balance in your body and reduce stomach acid especially for those with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).

Garden of Life's Acid Defense is a natural product for treating heartburn and symptoms of GERD. Its super-alkalinizing ingredients can rectify the pH in your body and provide reinforcement for alkaline reserves. It use uses barley juice concentrate, which is extracted from barley grass, as one of the main ingredients. Barley juice concentrate doesn't have any gluten. It provides naturally occurring potassium, calcium, magnesium and other alkalinizing elements that relieve you from the symptoms of GERD and improves your digestive system.

So, it is ok to eat barley when you have acid reflux? It all depends on the end products of the barley you are consuming. Your food should be high in alkaline in order to find relief from acid reflux. Barley grass and juice concentrates are alkaline. Therefore, they should help to eliminate heartburn. However, if you have stomach or intestinal disorder, then you should be careful when you consume all barley products. If you experience any complications, then you should stop using them immediately and visit your doctor for treatment.

If you have exhausted all ways to treat acid reflux, then check out this guide on how to stop acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD naturally. A natural treatment is the best solution that can give you lasting effects. Read this review on Stop Acid Reflux Now! and put an end to your misery today.

Written By: Foster_Baggs

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Barley nutrients

Barley nutrients are not limited to vitamins and minerals, but the value of barley nutrition to human health varies depending on the type of barley that is consumed, how it is processed and even where it is grown. The large number of nutrients in barley grass, particularly protein, explains its popular use as animal feed.

Some health supplement manufacturers advise that the nutrients in barley grass are important to human health; however barley grass has never been a food source for humans. Since ancient times, humans have collected and eaten hulled barley grains. Today, we can find healthy foods that contain hulled barley, barley flour, barley meal or pearled barley. The number of barley nutrients is higher when the bran and germ have not been removed.

Hulled barley nutrients, per cup, include 22 grams of protein, 61mg of calcium, 245mg of magnesium, 486mg of phosphorus, 832mg of potassium, and 69mcg of selenium. It is also a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as other vitamins and amino acids. The mineral content of barley varies depending on the content of the soil in which it grows, but these average figures were compiled by the US Department of Agriculture.

Cooked pearled barley nutrient content, per cup, includes only 3.55grams of protein, 17mg of calcium, 35mg of magnesium, 85mg of phosphorus, 146mg of potassium, and 13mcg of selenium. It is still a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Pearled barley nutrients are so much lower than those found in hulled barley, because the bran and germ have been removed.

A cup of barley flour or meal provides nearly as many nutrients as hulled barley and will improve the nutritional value of baked goods when used as a substitute for all or part of the wheat flour. Barley nutrients also include beta-glucan content, a form of soluble fiber. The cholesterol lowering affects achieved by consuming oats and products that contain oats are believed to be related to beta-glucans. Barley is even higher in beta-glucans than oats. Both barley nutrition content and oat nutrition content are higher than that of wheat or rye.

Many public health organizations, including the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association, recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains like barley. It is believed that a diet of this type reduces the risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer, may prevent adult onset diabetes and may help control the obesity epidemic in the United States.

Whole food supplements containing barley and other whole grains provide barley nutrients in the form of a capsule. The health benefits of the nutrients in barley grass and supplements that contain it are unknown, no matter what the manufacturers may claim, because the grass has never been evaluated for consumption by humans.

Russell Cantwell is editor of Visit barley nutrients for more info now and to discover the whole food supplement I personally take that contains barley.


Barley, which has been cultivated for more than ten thousand years now, was initially found in the regions of Ethiopia and Southeast Asia. This particular plant was used by the ancient civilizations as food for both humans and animals. The product was also utilized in making alcoholic beverages and in various medicinal purposes. In today's society, barley has proven to be effective in aiding in a wide array of ailments. In this article I will discuss the relationship between barley and cholesterol.

Barley is rich in dietary fiber and selenium. Many studies have revealed that a diet high in beta glucan from barley can help lower bad cholesterol (otherwise known as LDL). Consuming a diet which contains 3 to 6 grams of beta glucan soluble fiber (daily) can reduce bad cholesterol levels by 6 to 8 percent. In addition to its cholesterol lowering properties, barley can also stabilize blood sugar thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. In 1997 the Food and Drug Administration confirmed that consuming beta glucan soluble fiber can decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. Knowing all of this, how can we include more barley into our daily diets? The answer to this question is simply. You can add barley to soups and other dishes. You can mix barley flour with wheat flour when baking. You can use barley flakes to make delicious hot cereal.

Consuming a heart healthy diet can also help you lose weight We all know that being overweight contributes to an increased risk of heart disease. Exercising regularly and consuming a healthy diet ; can help us attain a healthy dress size. There are various other herbal remedies available which contribute to our overall health and weight loss, all we have to do is spend some time doing the research.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills